Sunday, May 29, 2011

D, I & E Tile Processing Mockup

Here is a quick Processing mockup of our current tile arrangement to demonstrate that lights are communicated in circles. I have also tested some alternative arrangements that produce various other emergent patterns, such as diagonal stripes, by communicating between cells within tiles. All of the arrangements produce endless loops from a single pressure sensor input, but unfortunately in all of the arrangements multiple pressure sensor inputs produce either no legible response or fairly uninteresting interactions.

mouse click = pressure sensor input / footstep (to begin)
key q = turn all lights off
key 1 = only neighbouring tiles (current arrangement)
key 2 = neighbouring tiles plus internal cells clockwise
key 3 = neighbouring tiles plus internal cells anti-clockwise
key 4 = neighbouring tiles plus internal cells diagonal
key 5 = neighbouring tiles plus all internal cells
key 6 = neighbouring tiles plus internal cells horizontal
key 7 = neighbouring tiles plus internal cells vertical

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